Q1. Frequency of municipal waste compositional analysis - GAP

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Q2. Number of food waste prevention programs and/or initiatives, platforms, organisations, etc. - GAP

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Q3. Number of communication and educational actions /campaigns per year (e.g. numbers of articles published about food waste, leaflets mailed to households, visits organised to households, schools, etc.) - GAP

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Q4. kg of food waste generated per capita per year - GAP

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Q5. kg of food waste collected separately from the source to total kg of food waste collected by the MSW management system - GAP

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Q6. kg of biowaste collected separately from the source to total kg of biowaste collected by the MSW management system (in case that no separate collection for food waste exists – second-best option) - GAP

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Q7. % of the population covered by a separate food waste collection system - GAP

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Q8. % of the population covered by a separate biowaste collection system (in case that no separate collection for food waste exists – second-best option) - GAP

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Q9. % of food waste being landfilled (to total amount of collected food waste) - GAP

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Q10. % of food waste recycled, reused and treated (to total amount of collected food waste) - GAP

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