RESULT PAGE Q1. Frequency of food waste compositional analysis (target/year) - GAP Congratulations! You have already reached your target on (name of action….) Q2. Number of installed bins for separate collection - GAP Congratulations! You have already reached your target on (name of action….) Q3. % of food waste to food supplies - GAP Congratulations! You have already reached your target on (name of action….) Q4. % of customers taking home their leftovers in doggy bags - GAP Congratulations! You have already reached your target on (name of action….) Q5. % of leftover food (suitable for consumption) that is landfilled - GAP Congratulations! You have already reached your target on (name of action….) Q6. % of leftover food (suitable for consumption) that is reused, recycled and treated in any way - GAP Congratulations! You have already reached your target on (name of action….) Q7. Frequency of food waste compositional analysis (target/year) - GAP Congratulations! You have already reached your target on (name of action….) Q8. % of food waste (unsuitable for consumption) that is reused, recycled and treated in any way - GAP Congratulations! You have already reached your target on (name of action….) Q9. % of food waste collected in a separate bin - GAP Congratulations! You have already reached your target on (name of action….) Q10. % of waste cooking oil (including frying oil) collected in a separate bin - GAP Congratulations! You have already reached your target on (name of action….) Q11. % of packaging waste collected in a separate bin - GAP Congratulations! You have already reached your target on (name of action….) Q12. Internal training programs on food waste - GAP Congratulations! You have already reached your target on (name of action….)