Advancing Municipal
Circular Economy
Assessing the current food waste management practices in selected municipalities and SMEs in the HORECA sector.
Some of our objectives are:
To assess the current food waste management practices in selected municipalities and SMEs in the HORECA sector
To compare the assessment results above with the best practices in the relevant fields
To develop a concrete set of Circularity Indicators that will be used to describe both the current and the future description – monitoring of food waste management
To assess the gap between the baseline assessment and the requirements posed by the EU Circular Economy Action Plan using the Circularity Indicators
Project Goal
In view of the above challenges, the project aims to create a strategic educational, training, and awareness alliance aiming to achieve the ambitious target regarding food waste, between Municipalities and Small and Medium Enterprises so that both parties can implement smoothly and effectively the shift towards Circular Economy practices (including EU Directives targets, national laws, and regulations) contributing to the protection of public health and the environment, the creation of environmental opportunities and the improvement of EU citizens’ quality of life.
The 5 results of this project:
Baseline assessment (PR1) of the current food waste management practices in Municipalities and HORECA SMEs – the baseline assessment will also include benchmarking to existing best practices in EU.
Gap Analysis methodology and tool (PR2) between current and required, according to the EU targets, waste management practices relevant to food waste.
Development of a Roadmap (PR3) – Design and development of a step-by-step methodological framework for implementing the food waste targets.
ADVANCE Course (PR4) – Creation of a training material broken down into certain learning modules for waste management adopted to the needs of target group.
Open Education Resource (OER) – An Online Platform (PR5), which will include and host interactively all the above.
Target Groups
Personnel of waste management departments of regional/municipal authorities
Personnel of waste management companies in charge of municipal waste collection
Owners and current/future employees (operations personnel, managers, supervisors and other, e.g. kitchen staff) of HoReCa SMEs (Unskilled, Adept, Skilled)
VET centres/trainers/consultants
Experts that support municipal authorities and hospitality sector SMEs with CE and waste-related processes
Municipalities and HoReCa associations, university/college/school students
ADVANCE Partners: